Note to the Wall from a Fixer
As one who is historically a wall Myself - steadfast -brave -keeper and giver of confidence -cool yet porous- alive …and so shrapnel-scarred as others expect demand delude over –and- underestimate others and try to take shots over my head, pound me for the sins of themselves… I understand your name: Wailing.
Struggle at Pnuel
What hurt most was the lack of recognition / when I bumped into myself last night; / I surfaced by the river / in no light, / and asked myself my name, / old fool that I am - - / till it hit me, by (of all things) / pulling at my leg.
Serenity Prayer for a Hunter
Some spaces wiser
not to fill; Hunger is more
useful than the kill.
Triangle Triptych
I know it’s autumn because the yearly Torah reading cycle is back at Genesis, with all of the complex internecine business – Betrayal! Sex! Murder! – that being human, even the kind that talks to God, seems to brings with it. It’s the time of year I like to bring out my biblical poetry (every girl needs some in her repertoire, no?) and post it for the four or six people who appreciate it. Speci[...]
Mid-Winter Poetry Craving
....Here's an oldie I dug out from my files; Winter always makes me crave poetry...and poetry always makes me crave...craving.
Dust. Wind. Dude.
There is a familiar pit in my stomach that tells me I must put something down on paper. So to speak.
It's a pit that reminds me of other pits, that makes me 16 again, and 26, all the years joined by a common physiological sense of being carried by an idea or a feeling, literally hungry for something to write. Medical science will tell you that the pit is the work of the vagus nerve in my abdomen, which[...]
Weekly Verse
So, you want people?
Let them in, but just so much past the door;
otherwise they will
either park on your soul
will end up wanting more.
Which welcome mat position?
You lose yourself,
Or you simply lose.
Leviticus 10:1-3
these rules will be the death of us:
this “how to please me”
this tutorial of the soul.
How can passion
wear a girdle?
Answer questions?
Where is the sacrifice
in this ritual
if our flesh isn’t in it?
Turnpike Insomnia
Being the only one awake life stands still; I am timeless with no company, no measuring stick of kitchen or toys. It’s now about whatever I can push into the empty closet of two a.m., in a house full of little (and one big) boys.
The Social Well
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