
Stressing re: Cross Dressing

cryinggameIt's been about a week since the Jewish festival of Purim, but I am still thinking about my broad shouldered and hairy (male) neighbors who, although upstanding citizens in general, year after year insist on observing the custom of dressing up in costume (fancy dress for you Brits, who are in any case the worst offenders here) by putting on lipstick, a bra, a dress, and a wig…to rather hideous effect.

Big in J.A.P.an

Up-in-the-Air-Kendrick-and-Clooney-29-11-09-kcTravel literature, when boiled down to its essence, is almost always about some combination of the 3E's: Escape, Expunge, Expand. The protagonist travels because s/he is running from something (or someone), perhaps indefinitely; is looking to exorcise a personal demon; or is seeking to change and grow. …Or, even if not seeking the latter, w[...]

The Sailor and the Survivor Go to Washington

EstesGma If you are on anyone's mass e-mail list, by now you’ve probably heard of Harold B. Estes. For those of you who delete anything not work-related before reading, Estes is a very sharp-witted, conservative WWII vet in his mid-90's who wrote a strong letter of criticism to President Obama, virally distributed by e-mail in November. His opening shot: "…I am amazed, angry, and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell ben[...]

Eight Posts I Never Wrote

Dorothy I've been something of a deadbeat blogger lately. I just don’t have the time…but that's never a good excuse: Time isn't something you have, it's something you make. Yadda Yadda. In honor of Hanukah – and the gift of my Dear Husband taking everyone out and leaving me to brood / work / clean – here are 8 posts I jotted down during the past few weeks, but never finished writing..[...]

To Do (Tomorrow): Have a Happy New Year

to-do-list The New Year's wishes fill my inbox (tomorrow, the Jewish Year 5770 begins…) and the apple crumble is cooling, but I'm not that ready, and I'm not that into it.

Summer Prayer of a Hebrew Redneck Wannabe

virginia_route_613_shield_-_old Every summer, right in the hot, soft belly of July/August, I'm hit with it in the head, like the skillet of an angry housewife: the urge to play Alan Jackson loud with the windows of my minivan rolled down (ain't got no truck, just my luck), hang back on my porch at sundown, and[...]

Falling back up

photo by: crash. It's not that the well has been dry; au contraire, my friends. I have simply fallen in. It's been more than a month (closer to two) since I've blogged. The reason can be distilled into one intense truth: I will never have more time than I have…right…NOW. (Or, as my brother likes to say, later is later.) …OK, two intense truths: Energy is finite (yes, even yours) and what[...]

Art Vs. Income…After Affilicon ’09

Yesterday my eyes were opened to the fact that I could be a bit less concerned about aethetics and my craft and a lot more concerned about cash, and even getting some sleep...while making said cash. Yes: an affiliate marketing conference. Here's where I discuss it in full. Your thoughts, as always, most welcome.

God’s Top Ten: WWYHDTM?

top-10 I have always been a fan of the top ten list. I suppose it started with Casey Kasem's American Top 40 (Yes. I was around and not in nursery school at the time. OK?), the cleverest marketing device the pre-digital music world ever came up with. After which I graduated to Letterman, who used (uses?) the top ten list as a cool comedic framing device, which I enjoyed even more. Kids, this was all before Amazon's Listmania was even an executive web dream. Of course, t[...]

Dust. Wind. Dude.

desert-storm-by-sandman There is a familiar pit in my stomach that tells me I must put something down on paper. So to speak. It's a pit that reminds me of other pits, that makes me 16 again, and 26, all the years joined by a common physiological sense of being carried by an idea or a feeling, literally hungry for something to write. Medical science will tell you that the pit is the work of the vagus nerve in my abdomen, which[...]